Emily Legleitner is an interdisciplinary artist with a studio practice based in printmedia and the expanded fields of fiber arts, ceramics, and metals. Her research examines auto-biographical experiences and emotions associated with anxiety, mortality, longing, and the human condition. Born in Lewisburg, Pennsylvania in 1996, Legleitner was raised in Flint, Michigan where she maintains a studio and residence. Legleitner works as the Curatorial Assistant at the Flint Institute of Arts, the second largest museum in Michigan. Legleitner received an MFA in printmaking from the University of Alberta in 2023 and a BFA in Studio Art from Stamps School of Art & Design at the University of Michigan in 2019. Her imagery is informed by lens-based inquiry, performance, and the body – using self-portraiture to share auto-biographical narratives and self-reflections. Legleitner’s work has garnered critical acclaim throughout North America, winning notable awards including the Elizabeth Greenshields Foundation Grant, Best in Show at Brooklyn Waterfront Artists Coalition (BWAC) 2021 Prints exhibition, and Best in Show at the 58th Annual Greater Michigan Art Exhibition (2019), among others. Her work can be found in the permanent collection of the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts (2022) and has been published in the London-based print journal Printmaking Today (2018). Recent solo exhibitions have included BWAC, Brooklyn, New York; Crooked Tree, Traverse City, Michigan; and Buckham Fine Arts Gallery, Flint, Michigan. Legleitner was an artist in residence at the Icelandic Textile Center (Blönduós, Iceland) in 2019.